Case Study: Office 365 Migration
Case Study: Freeit Aids City of Buda in Achieving Compliance with Office 365 Migration Booming city overcomes compliance hurdle as it moves to the public
Ready to fully embrace digital transformation? We can help you implement forward-thinking public cloud solutions.
Need to transition legacy IT systems to newer cloud formats? A well-rounded hybrid cloud solution from Freeit can keep you on track to legacy infrastructure modernization.
Hybrid cloud services are easy to integrate into an IT budget. You pay a recurring fee based on your cloud infrastructure needs, so you never waste money on unnecessary resources.
Downtime is the nemesis of all organizations. Hybrid cloud solutions give you unparalleled uptime through guaranteed SLAs, letting you stay productive at all times.
Hybrid cloud solutions give your organization the means to securely share data among teams. That means better collaboration with a boost in productivity.
Flexibility through secure anytime, anywhere access to your data.
Custom cloud infrastructures that let you use your existing hardware.
Functional cloud migrations to move your data seamlessly throughout workspaces.
Optimization of existing clouds to run more securely and with better performance.
Case Study: Freeit Aids City of Buda in Achieving Compliance with Office 365 Migration Booming city overcomes compliance hurdle as it moves to the public
Cloud Data Security Report: Government According to the 2019 Netwrix Cloud Data Security Report state and local governments are not very happy about moving more of
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